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December 5, 2008
Salem Recycling Committee
Meeting of December 5, 2008

Attendees:   Rachel Dougherty, Katie Giddings, Lynn Murray, Penny Neal, Jennifer Percy, Liz Vago, Michaela and Susan Yochelson

Preparation for New Contract

Two mailings are scheduled to go out before January 1 to alert Salem residents of the changes to recycling guidelines.  Rachel reported that the First Street Condos had not received any information.

Visit to Nursery School
Julie Rose will visit the Nursery School located at 52 Jefferson Avenue to introduce recycling to some of the youngest members of our community and begin their education about the environment.

Dear Neighbor Letter
The Dear Neighbor letter that was developed by Susan Yochelson is designed to provide the personal touch and encourage recycling amongst one’s neighbors.  This letter is now available in PDF form and is being sent out to the volunteer list.  

SATV’s Greenscaping Earth Care program has offered to have our work featured on the show.  Susan Yochelson will follow up on this opportunity.  Composting and community gardens would be a potential topic.  In the event that we do a show, a script will have to be developed.

Web Site
In order to develop a separate web site that will focus on recycling in the broadest sense, we will need to figure out how much it will cost.  Liz, Katie, and Lynn will plan to meet with Christian, a local business owner and web designer who has offered to lend us some assistance.
Next deadline for articles is March 2, 2009.

The next meeting will be held on January 6, 2009.